June 30, 2004

Pregnancy from frozen ovary is world first

A woman made infertile by cancer treatment six years ago has conceived after a pioneering transplant operation using her own frozen ovarian tissue.

The pregnancy, the first of its kind in the world, offers hope to thousands of young women with cancer who would otherwise be unable to have children.

It also raises the prospect that women could freeze their ovaries in their 20s then use them to have children in their 50s or 60s, in effect bypassing the menopause.

The 32-year-old woman, who has not been named, was given the ovary graft at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium.

A university spokesman said: "The research team has managed to achieve what no other team in the world has been able to do - give a young woman who underwent cryo-preservation of ovarian tissue prior to cancer treatment the gift of pregnancy."

The baby girl is due in October.

The woman was suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma and needed radiotherapy and chemotherapy in 1997. Because the treatment would have made her infertile, doctors agreed to remove one of her ovaries and freeze it in liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees.

In 2003, when she was given the all-clear, strips of the ovarian tissue were defrosted and implanted close to her remaining, but now useless, ovary. Within four months the graft was working.

The tissue began producing hormones and, after six years of enforced early menopause, her menstrual cycle began again. In January the woman found that she was pregnant. The foetus is 25 weeks old and healthy.

Details of the pregnancy were to be discussed at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Berlin yesterday.

The first ovarian transplant was carried out in the late 1990s by Kutluk Oktay, of Cornell University in New York.

That failed after a few months. Since then, Dr Oktay has implanted ovarian tissue into several cancer patients and produced healthy embryos. Unlike the Belgian team, he implants the ovarian tissue under the skin, then extracts eggs to create test-tube babies.

Doctors said the surgery should be carried out only in extreme cases; it was not an option for women wanting to delay having children for career reasons.

Posted by thinkum at June 30, 2004 12:58 PM

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