March 26, 2004

Political Humor

Why is it, that liberals have no problem laughing at themselves, while conservatives take offense at the silliest jibes?

Last week, I assisted Curious George in writing a letter to my youngest nephew, who was having a challenging time coping with some of life's recent twists. To give the letter a little cheerful accent, I went looking for illustrations of the literary monkey online.

To my delight, and much subsequent hilarity, I came across these items:

Fred and I printed them out, and took them down to share with his (liberal) mom -- who was immediately consumed with laughter. Then we passed them down the table to his (conservative) sister -- who looked at them, put them down, and said she didn't see anything funny about them.

She did, however, mention that she had seen this picture, which she found highly amusing:

Personally, I think it's damn funny, too. My only question is, how on earth can you consider the Kerry/Gomer to be hilarious, but not the the Bush/Monkey?

I've noticed this trend before - I'll send a funny poke at a conservative, to a conservative family member, and in response I almost always get a serious article expounding the merits of their favorite conservative and the deficiencies of the opposing liberal.

Lighten up, people. If you can't laugh at yourself once in a while, your perspective is seriously out of whack.

Posted at March 26, 2004 03:21 PM in Social Order , Wonderings