June 23, 2004

the point of rebellion

A quote from, of all people, Madonna:

"The stance of a rebel is, 'I don't care what you think.' But if it's just for the sake of upsetting the apple cart, you're not really helping people. You turn the apple cart over and then what? Then everyone's looking at an apple cart that's turned over and they're like, well, now what do I do?"

Posted at 05:36 PM in | Comments (0)

June 22, 2004

Cell Phone Hell

Please, please, oh PLEASE, can we install this technology in restaurants and movie theaters?

School Foils Cheats by Blocking Phone Signals

Text of original article:

June 21, 2004 ? ROME (Reuters) - Mobile phone-savvy teenagers tempted to cheat their way through exams by sending text messages or scanning pictures of tests could be thwarted by a device that jams signals inside the school walls.

The Enrico Tosi Technical Institute school in northern Italy has found a way to foil the next generation of would-be tricksters with the help of military technology.

"Most schools try and confiscate phones before exams, but this way we can be sure nobody slips through," said Benedetto Di Rienzo, the head of the school in Busto Arsizio which is testing the devices for the Education Ministry during exams this week.

The box-like units, called C-Guard, were developed by experts from the military and defense industries for Netline Communications Technologies. They jam signals in an 80-meter (262-foot) radius in enclosed spaces.

They could eventually be installed across Italy to prevent cheating during university exams.

Di Rienzo said they have been so successful that the school plans to start using them during regular classes -- a measure likely to ruffle feathers in mobile phone-obsessed Italy where not even the teachers like to be left incommunicado.

"We hope to keep complaints to a minimum by turning the instruments off during lunch breaks," he said.

Posted at 02:56 PM in | Comments (0)

June 07, 2004

What the freaking hell is wrong with people?

So, the Beeb is reporting that Rummy and his sharks think the Shrub should be free to torture, maim, murder, and oppress anyone he thinks stands in the way of the country's security.

He's sounding more and more like Stalin every day.

I cannot possibly articulate my fury, frustration, and disgust at the current state of the American government and the Shrub's administration thereof.

(since articles online are ephemeral, here's the actual text for posterity)


US 'not bound by torture laws'

A Pentagon report last year argued that President George W Bush was not bound by laws banning the use of torture, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The document also argued that torturers acting under presidential orders could not be prosecuted, the paper said.

The report was written by military and civilian lawyers for US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

It came after staff at Guantanamo Bay complained normal interrogation tactics were not eliciting enough information.

The document outlined why restrictions on torture under US laws and international treaties might be overcome by considerations for national security or legal technicalities, the newspaper reported.

Vital intelligence

The draft argued that because nothing was more important than "obtaining intelligence vital to the protection of untold thousands of American citizens" normal strictures on torture might not apply, according to the Journal.

The report contended that the president, as commander-in-chief, has the authority to approve almost any physical or psychological actions during interrogation, including torture, the newspaper reported.

It said it had reviewed a draft dated 6 March, 2003, and had not seen the full final report.

But people familiar with the final text said there were few substantial changes from the draft version, the Wall Street Journal added.

It is not known whether President George W Bush has ever seen the report.

The Bush administration has said it supports the Geneva Conventions and humane treatment for detainees.