What is the best version of ourselves? The answer depends on the community asking the question, so let's immediately narrow the field down to the Internet users.
People communicate on the Internet to find others with their interests, and who fit their personality type. Wouldn't it be natural to assume that when they do interact with those people, the Internet users become the best versions of themselves? The potential for conflict is there, but with a generally higher level of understanding there should be less chance of the conflict getting out of hand.
This isn't always true, of course. We've recently observed some Internet groups indulging in some harmful behavior ... but at least they're doing it together.
Do you think that when you're talking with your friends on the 'Net, you become the best version of yourself? If so, do you also apply that facet of your personality in the other real world?
Posted by PyeCat at February 29, 2004 05:32 AMACK! Are you impling I'm like one of you? That could never, never, never happen! ACK! PHOOIE! BLECK!
In the immortal words of Woody Allen, I'd never belong to a group that would have me as a member...
Posted by: catherine at February 29, 2004 03:00 PMUhh, I could have sworn it was Groucho Marx who said, "I'd never join a club that would have me as a member."
Posted by: Noah at February 29, 2004 10:37 PMBefore I answer that, I feel the need to quote song lyrics. I love this one.
I feel like a quote out of context
Withholding the rest
So I can be for you what you want to see
I got the gesture and sound
Got the timing down
It's uncanny, yeah, you think it was me
Do you think I should take a class
To lose my southern accent
Did I make me up, or make the face till it stuck
I do the best imitation of myself
The "problem with you" speech
You gave me was fine
I liked the theories about my little stage
And I swore I was listening
But I started drifting
Around the part about me acting my age
Now if it's all the same
I've people to entertain
I juggle one handed
Do some magic tricks and
The best imitation of myself
Maybe I'm thinking myself in a hole
Wondering, who I am when I ought to know
Straighten up now time to go
Fool somebody else, fool somebody else
Last night I was east with them
And west within
Trying to be for you what you wanna see
But I can't help it with you
The good and bad comes through
Don't want you hanging out with
No one but me
Now if it's all the same
It comes from the same place
And if my mind's somewhere else
You won't be able to tell
I do the best imitation of myself
Yes it's uncanny to see
You'd really think it was me
The best imitation of myself
Do the best imitation of myself
-Ben Folds Five
Posted by: DrSandor at March 1, 2004 12:43 AMOkay, Doc, so now that you've quoted the lyrics, where's your actual answer? (g)
"Do you think that when you're talking with your friends on the 'Net, you become the best version of yourself? If so, do you also apply that facet of your personality in the other real world?"
I'm not sure the latter is possible, as it's the freedom afforded by the environment of the 'net that enables the better version of myself. Online, I know that whatever opinions people have of me will be formed by my words, by a deliberate articulation of self, rather than any Real World nonsense like physical appearance or the state of my kitchen sink.
In many ways, this is a far more exacting standard, because I can't cloak my flaws with Real World distractions; it actually creates a strong desire to *be* a better version of myself. But it also provides greater opportunity to engage brain before opening mouth - a skill at which I am somewhat less than proficient in Real Life.
Posted by: Thinky at March 1, 2004 01:10 AMPopye said, "I am what's I am".....
Belvieve me or not, me too.
Posted by: Giz at March 3, 2004 01:08 PM