March 01, 2004

How far we've come...NOT

So, here I am, perusing the international media on my daily rounds, when I come across this story from Australia. Do Swedish women not know how to check their oil or something?

[Updated 3/4/04: longer story with photos]

"doesn't need washing, will book itself in for a service thanks to wireless technology, and has special ports in the headrests to accommodate ponytails"

This all sounds good, albeit unnecessary. (Well, except for the ponytail thing. If you've never had a ponytail, you probably don't appreciate how uncomfortable they make it to lean back against a headrest. It's an ergonomics thing.)

But this,

"The project team figured women would never want to look at the engine, so the front end is designed to come off in one piece at the workshop."

This from a project team made up of women?!?!

I think they need to cut back on the lutefisk over there, it seems to be pickling their brains...

Posted by thinkum at March 1, 2004 09:00 PM

Mechanics would HATE this thing. They would also charge through the nose to service it. To change the spark plugs on it would invlove at least an hour of hard work, rather than the fifteen minutes or so it would take on a normal car. Also, true gull-wing doors make getting out of the car real fun when you're in a tight parking place like a normal parking lot.

Posted by: Noah at March 2, 2004 02:58 AM

Hmm, that's a good point - I hadn't ever considered that aspect of gull wing doors. Ugly. And here I was thinking they would be nice on a rainy day...

Posted by: Thinky at March 2, 2004 02:59 AM