March 04, 2004

What do you write in these things?

I never could really do well writing my thoughts. They always seem so formed in the shower but once they near the printed page, it's buh-bye

first off, when I really did want to write, it was usually because I was so steamed I wanted to break stuff and all that came out was random obscenities! I never was good in English, I was always reading but never writing. "Jessica! What is that behind your textbook?"

Is it a record of the day? well if that is it, I'm afraid it will be a boring read for some time.

example: Jess' day

~wake up too Frelling early (frelling drugs) wait two hours before breakfast which must be at a specific time to coincide with drug administration.(prescription drugs! i see what you're thinking)
~lay on couch
~decide which DVD to watch
~pick up the knitting, knit a row, drop stitches, get frustrated and distracted.
~watch more DVD, flick channels on tv.
~take more drugs , repeat every four hours.

repeat ad nauseum.

or should it be about the DVD I'm immersed in. well that's more fun.
Just bought the Back to the Future DVD collection. tons of extras! Loving it. perhaps I can test whether laughter is the best medicine. and that Michael J. Fox is such a cutie! and the outtakes are pretty hilarious. hmm I think I'll watch it now.


Posted by chipper at March 4, 2004 12:42 AM

"when I really did want to write, it was usually because I was so steamed I wanted to break stuff and all that came out was random obscenities"

Oddly enough, that's how this blog got started - I was steamed over the current lack of vision in some quarters of scaperdom, and wanted a piece of neutral turf upon which to post a few scathing remarks about it. A couple days of surfing and percolating, and I found myself installing blogging software on my webserver.

Sometimes the need for ranting and raving has constructive consequences. ;-)

"Is it a record of the day?"

I'd say, "including but not limited to". Scanning back over the past week of posts here, it runs the full spectrum from the ridiculous to the sublime: we have hippos in the Carolinas, and we have serious philosophical inquiry.

My own day was absolutely thrilling: in a meeting from 8:30 to 1:15, grabbed a fabulously healthy cheeseburger lunch at Micky D's, then wrestled with the February budget numbers until 5:30 trying to figure out why I've got a fund out of balance by $37K. Doesn't that sound fun? (g)

Posted by: Thinky at March 4, 2004 03:09 AM

Treasure the days, for they are yours and no-one else's. Oh yeah, and laugh hard when he's called Calvin. :)

Posted by: PyeCat at March 5, 2004 02:19 AM