An innocent ol' Southern boy such as myself might expect that after a couple weeks of reasonably pleasant weather in March, the true winter might be over. Nothing doing. March came in like a lion, and it's still roaring.
This is the view that greeted me this morning. The only warning I received was a terse message from -- Snowfall Expected Tomorrow.
Okay, this is freaky - your balcony railing looks like it's exactly the same design as mine. Homogenization strikes again!
If it makes you feel any better, we're due for a late winter storm later today. Projected snowfall varies by where you are in the state and which source you use for your weather data, but it could be a foot of snow by morning. Not good news for Fred, who has to drive 70 miles back to Massachusetts to work in the morning.
Me, I'm hoping for a Snow Day. *g* (Unlikely to happen, though, since the students are already gone for Spring Break.)
Posted by: Thinky at March 16, 2004 02:05 PM