April 13, 2004

Funny True Story

This really happened!

The manager of the local McD's was steamed over the staff cuts that prevented her from having the place open all night. So she sent an email to the head office stating that she was going to hang a sign up during the hours they were closed:

Sorry, closed due to a shortage of McMinions

now I can't watch any show without dubbing the evilredshirts/disposable baddies as "McMinions"

smilin chip

Posted by chipper at April 13, 2004 04:03 PM


I would *love* to have been a fly on the wall at HQ when they opened THAT letter!

Hmm, evil thought...

'Grayza & the McMinions'

Perhaps she could go into the music biz, now that her PK career has been derailed. *g*

Posted by: Thinky at April 14, 2004 02:18 PM